A Journey which never ends..
My Story
Hi my name is Benjamin,
The mission of Maxwell Tutoring is to help senior secondary students build technology to take control of their future with business acumen and financial literacy.
My desire is to inspire & excite students to love studying physics.
I teach with a classical teaching strategy that gets results every time as it aims to demisify the jargon and focus on lateral thinking which is not applied in most schools.

University Acheivements
- Received an award from Engineers Australia for Excellence in Engineering Design.
- Nano-medicine research engineer at SUT: Accepted to work with a team of researchers into a project which was aimed at developing nano-materials for cancer treatment. As part of my honors program I received a high distinction in all areas of the study.
- Achieved High Distinction in the following subjects: – Control Engineering – Mechanical Systems Design – Final Year – Research Project (Honors program) – Materials and Processes – Solid Mechanics – Nano-fabrication technologies – Computer Modelling – Analysis and Visualisation.
- Was a leading developer for a large open day project for the Science and Engineering faculty. The event was held at Swinburne University of Technology on Sunday 2nd August 2015
- Managed & Lead a team to design and develop an operating ball circuit that was displayed as a major attraction at open day 2015.
Engineers Australia – Active member since June 2012.
Physics Today- Member since September 2014.
VCE Awards
Specialist Mathematics Achievement award
Mathematical Methods 3&4 Academic award.
Physics 3 &4 Academic award